Uneekor Frame Mount
Mounting a Uneekor EYE XO, EYE XO2, or Uneekor QED Launch Monitor to your Carl's Place Pro Golf Simulator Enclosure has never been easier! Crafted specifically by Carl's Place, this nifty gadget lets you effortlessly secure your Uneekor Launch Monitor onto the pipe framework of your Carl's Place Pro Enclosure.
- Easy install
- Works with QED, EYE XO, or EYE XO2
- Use on any Pro enclosure over 111.5”. Make sure to account for your hitting surface (ie. if you have a 2” mat, your Pro enclosure must be at least 113.5” tall).
Uneekor Frame Mount Features
Easy Install
Works with Uneekor launch monitors
Drops the Uneekor Launch Monitor 3.5"
This frame mount drops the technical mounting point of the launch monitor down 3.5". To follow Uneekor’s mounting recommendations (between 108-120 inches), you will want to use this mount on Pro Enclosures over 111.5" tall. Make sure to account for your hitting mat though. If your hitting area is not inset into the floor you lose that height. For example, with a 2" hitting mat, your enclosure needs to be at least 113.5" tall.
Example math: Our 9x12 Pro Enclosure is 114" tall. Subtract the 3.5" for the mount, subtract 2" for your hitting mat = 108.5" between Uneekor sensors and ball placement, which is just above the minimum 108" recommendation.
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What’s Included
- One (1) mounting plate: 19.2” wide x 6.7” deep
- Two (2) top clamps
- Two (2) bottom clamps
- Four (4) large screws with hex key heads
- Four (4) medium screws with hex key heads
- Six (6) small screws with hex key heads
“Success in this game depends less on strength of bodyArnold Palmer
than strength of mind and character.”