Simulator Golf Tour (SGT) Software
Want to play on a tour that plays the same courses the pros play each week? Look no further than the Simulator Golf Tour (SGT), where you can get those competitive juices flowing and play against indoor golfers worldwide.
SGT can be played on GSPro software, which is compatible with most launch monitors.
Simulator Golf Tour Features
Compete worldwide
For All Skills
SGT offers multiple tours for all levels of golfers.
Many SGT golfers are part of a community on the Discord app. Create an account on Discord and join the Simulator Golf Tour group to get immediate help from the community at just about any time of day as there are members all over the world.
Get Started
How It Works
- Buy GSPro software.
- Buy SGT membership above. Membership fee is $80.00 for one year of access to the Simulator Golf Tour.
- Once purchased, follow the link in the confirmation email to create an SGT account. After registration, your username and GSPro ID will be used within GSPro to compete in tournaments. Your GSPro ID and username are visible on your MYPROFILE page.
- Register for SGT tournaments and compete!
Watch this video for detailed instructions on SGT tournament registration.
SGT Tours/Events
WEB TOUR: This Tour is designed for players who drive the ball shorter than 250 yards and/or are starting SIM golf and learning how to play it. Tees around 6,000 yards.
SGT TOUR: Next step up in competition level from the WEB Tour. If you are comfortable with your game and drive the ball over 250 yards, this is the tour for you. Tees around 6,500 yards.
PRO TOUR: Open competition for all players with no restrictions. Tees around 6,600 yards.
TIPS TOUR: Open competition for all players played from the tips with difficult course/wind settings and no restrictions. Tees around 7,000 yards.
AUTOPUTT TOUR: This Tour plays out exactly like the SGT Tour above but without putting. You get a fixed putting number per hole based on proximity to hole after hitting the green. Inside 10ft = 1 Putt; Inside 40ft = 2 Putts; Outside 40ft = 3 Putts. Tees around 6,500 yards.
PAR 3 TOUR: This tour plays the par 3 tees for the course selected for the week with no restrictions.
SCRAMBLE TOUR: Weekly tour using two man scramble teams, with no restrictions. Tees around 6,500-7,000 yards.
BLITZ EVENTS: The Blitz is a pay for play competition and will typically be played on Friday nights and Sunday afternoons or as demand dictates. The Blitz consists of a 9-hole, or 18-hole competition played in scramble format. Join the SGT discord to learn more about and compete in Blitz competitions.
DOGFIGHT TOUR: The Dogfight tour is a season long competion with a real money buy-in and prize payouts. Join the SGT discord to learn more about and compete in the Dogfight competitions.
SIMGOLF TOUR: Tour used by the SIMGOLF discord community to hold special events. Join the SIMGOLF discord community to participate in the events.
Digital Download
“Success in this game depends less on strength of bodyArnold Palmer
than strength of mind and character.”